Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetics - RPEL Process


Welcome to the homepage of the level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetic RPEL assessment platform.

The RPEL FastTrack assessment process consists of:

  1. Stage 1 Internal Formative Assessment  –   The Short Answer Response (SAR) Assignment.
  2. Stage 2 Internal Formative Assessment  –   The Literature Review Skills (LRS) Assignment.
  3. Stage 3 External Summative Assessment – The Written Exam
  4. Stage 4 Internal Summative Assessment –  The Practical Skills Assessment.

As an experienced aesthetic practitioner, the next step in the RPEL process is to attend an informal mapping exercise with a qualified and approved MAP-IQ assessor. This will involve a two-way discussion where your previous learning and experience will be documented for quality assurance purposes. Please do not worry yourself too much about this exercise, the fact that you have reached this point and met the entry criteria is typically sufficient to sign off further RPEL exemption for one or both of the first two stages of assessment. I.e.

  1. The Short Answer Response (SAR) assignment (which cover the learning outcomes for unit 1 and unit 2) and or
  2. The Literature Review Skills (LRS) assignment (which covers the learning outcomes for Unit 6). 

Successful completion of the RPEL mapping exercises for either or both assessment stages will offer exemption from undertaking the Short Answer Responses (SAR) assignment and or the Literature Review Skills (LRS) assignment and allow you to proceed directly to the online written exam and OSCE assessment. However, we recommend that you read through the introduction session, assessment 1 – the Short Answer Response (SAR) assessment and assessment 2 – the Literature Review skills assessment before deciding if you would like to claim further exemption for these assessment stages. You can claim exemption for one or both of the above assignments.

If you choose not to claim further RPEL exemption for stage 1 and or stage 2 you will need to complete the assignments of the units. You  can however, complete stage 1, the SARs assignment and then choose to claim exemption for stage 2 -the literature review assignment, Successful completion of stage 1 will typically meet the learning outcomes for stage 2- the literature review skills.

Whichever assessment route you chose to take, we recommend that you progress through the stages n a logical order and read through the introduction, study skills  in preparation for your summative written and practical exams.

The RPEL mapping exercise is conducted online via Microsoft Teams and typically lasts no more than 1 hour. Please contact us at admin@map-iq-org to arrange a date for your mapping exercise.

We would also encourage you to join our private learner Facebook group where you can ask questions, network with other learners and attempt some revision questions in preparation for the written exam. You can also join our online ‘Question and Answer’ session which is held the last Thursday of every month at 6.30-7.00 pm via Microsoft Teams.

We wish you success on your journey to achieving a VTCT Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetic Injectable Treatments. Remember we are here to support you. You can email us if you have a query or visit our private Facebook forum to network and ask questions.


Stage 1 Assessment-(Short Answer Responses Assignment)

Stage 2 Assessment (Literature Review skills)

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